Need To Hire A Scissor Lift For Domestic Or Commercial Installations? Here Are 4 Things To Consider

Scissor lifts are handy when you need to work at low to medium heights. One of their many applications is installations, e.g. installing lighting fixtures, air conditioning units, windows, roofing, ventilation systems, etc. If you are planning to hire a scissor lift to allow you to carry out such installations, this article will clue you in on some important considerations that you should make before choosing a unit. Read about them below.

Will the lift handle the expected load?

How much weight can the scissor lift unit accommodate? This is important because many installations often require more than one person to be involved. Can the scissor lift accommodate two or more people safely? What about the equipment you are supposed to install? It may have to be loaded onto the lift during the installation process. Can the lift hold all those weights safely? First calculate all this weight and choose a unit that has the necessary rating to handle it.

Is there enough space for your installation equipment?

Weight aside, you also need to ensure that the scissor lift has enough space to actually fit all the items that will be going inside it, the technicians included. In this regard, check or ask about the platform's dimensions. If you have a very large load, look for one of those units with an extendable deck platform. Also, if you plan to load large items onto the lift, remember to check if the entrance to the lift platform is wide enough to allow you to do so easily.

What's the installation terrain like?

Where will the installation be carried out? Will it be indoors or outdoors and what are the ground surfaces on those locations like? This is important because every scissor lift is designed for a particular terrain, from paved to rough. Identifying your terrain therefore helps you to choose the appropriate unit for the job. It ensures that you do not bring about any damage to the paved surfaces. If working over unpaved terrain, a scissor lift unit with tracks or large wheels will allow you to move it over the ground with ease.

Will the unit be stable enough considering the load and the terrain?

Considering that you will be elevating the lift together with several workers and equipment inside, stability is crucial for the task's safety. In this regard, it helps to get a unit that has a self-levelling system. Also, if undertaking a large job, get a unit with outriggers for extra support, especially if you'll be working outside.

If the installation equipment at hand is too large, you may want to consider hiring a separate lift for the workers, or a boom lift for the equipment itself.
